Monday, March 8, 2010

Dreambox Learning K-2 Math the Path to Follow

DreamBox Learning K-2 Math is the supreme Math software that advances your child through Math games. In Trinidad and Tobago students can certainly benefit from DreamBox Learning K-2 Math since it is interactive, entertaining and enhances learning through personalized life experience, lesson pacing, sequencing and game play. DreamBox Learning K-2 Math targets students between the ages of five to eight inclusive, providing over 350 exciting lessons and games. This program really push forward students learning through an in depth focus on the fundamentals being taught in Mathematics

DreamBox Learning K-2 Math grasps crucial aspects of both the behaviorist and the constructivist models which is what makes this program so unique. There are tutorials, placement lessons as well as self-paced learning to encourage math fluency all of which supports the behaviorist. On the other hand, the main constructivist approach is fostered through real world issues and problem solving as Dewey stressed on. Piaget’s learning through experiences and Vygotsky’s scaffolding to assist learning and working within the child’s zone of proximal development are also taken into consideration.

This sophisticated program monitors students’ progress: accurate, speedy answers allow students to move ahead quickly. Correct answers are given positive responses “Good Job!” or “Right On!” in the narrator’s jolly tone and diction, encourages progress. Slow or incorrect responses are followed by a mellow “Try Again” suggestion with the indication of the need for more practice.

With DreamBox Learning K-2 Math students can make learning more adventurous and motivating by personalizing their experience, rewards are given for both achievement and effort as well as attaining certificates. The motivation doesn’t end there; the graphics are colorful, and appealing to children. Navigation is also made easy. All these improvements make it a very holistic educational software program.

Parent in Trinidad and Tobago can also benefit: from free ideas and tips in assisting their child at home and even updates via email commenting on their child’s achievements.

DreamBox Learning K-2 Math is simple to set up and there is no software to be installed. Students from Trinidad and Tobago can take advantages of its benefits, since it is available from any computer with a broad band connection: It is played online with no download.

If your child is an A student and you want them to be an A++ student the program can do it, because it increases motivation to learn, which for me is one of the most important areas of progress in Trinidad and Tobago.


  1. The bright and colourful graphic looks highly appealing. Encouraging to know that this software conforms to theories of learning.

  2. It is great to know that there is a product that can actually help students better their Math skill in a fun way. Too often you hear students say 'I Hate Maths'. There is hope.

  3. Its colourful design makes it interesting for students at that age, that is, keeping them focused on the screen. This, by extension, maintains attention on the task at hand. Very soon, as Shalima implied, "I hate Maths" will be a thing of the past.

  4. This is an excellent software. It seems to be simplified for home use, therefore students can work at their own pace. I love the drill and practice feature which allows for automacity of the concepts.
