Monday, March 8, 2010

Dreambox Learning K-2 Math the Path to Follow

DreamBox Learning K-2 Math is the supreme Math software that advances your child through Math games. In Trinidad and Tobago students can certainly benefit from DreamBox Learning K-2 Math since it is interactive, entertaining and enhances learning through personalized life experience, lesson pacing, sequencing and game play. DreamBox Learning K-2 Math targets students between the ages of five to eight inclusive, providing over 350 exciting lessons and games. This program really push forward students learning through an in depth focus on the fundamentals being taught in Mathematics

DreamBox Learning K-2 Math grasps crucial aspects of both the behaviorist and the constructivist models which is what makes this program so unique. There are tutorials, placement lessons as well as self-paced learning to encourage math fluency all of which supports the behaviorist. On the other hand, the main constructivist approach is fostered through real world issues and problem solving as Dewey stressed on. Piaget’s learning through experiences and Vygotsky’s scaffolding to assist learning and working within the child’s zone of proximal development are also taken into consideration.

This sophisticated program monitors students’ progress: accurate, speedy answers allow students to move ahead quickly. Correct answers are given positive responses “Good Job!” or “Right On!” in the narrator’s jolly tone and diction, encourages progress. Slow or incorrect responses are followed by a mellow “Try Again” suggestion with the indication of the need for more practice.

With DreamBox Learning K-2 Math students can make learning more adventurous and motivating by personalizing their experience, rewards are given for both achievement and effort as well as attaining certificates. The motivation doesn’t end there; the graphics are colorful, and appealing to children. Navigation is also made easy. All these improvements make it a very holistic educational software program.

Parent in Trinidad and Tobago can also benefit: from free ideas and tips in assisting their child at home and even updates via email commenting on their child’s achievements.

DreamBox Learning K-2 Math is simple to set up and there is no software to be installed. Students from Trinidad and Tobago can take advantages of its benefits, since it is available from any computer with a broad band connection: It is played online with no download.

If your child is an A student and you want them to be an A++ student the program can do it, because it increases motivation to learn, which for me is one of the most important areas of progress in Trinidad and Tobago.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

JJ and Friends Phonics...Fast Forward


Many Educational Software Titles existing today target the American and European markets. In the quest to attract Trinbagonians and the wider Caribbean in a culturally familiar and holistic environment, JJ and Friends Phonics...Fast Forward is the perfect discovery.

JJ and Friends Phonics... Fast Forward targets students within the age group of three to eight years inclusive and focuses primarily in developing the reading abilities of these students. The Educational Software package incorporates a range of software tools such as instructional DVD's, curriculum relevant CD's, attractive animal alphabet charts, activity booklets and even story books.


Perhaps the most important benefit of the  JJ and Friends Phonics... Fast Forward scheme is its relevance to students in Trinidad and Tobago. Peer learning is strongly emphasised by children who have already benefited from the programme. This is important since it supports Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of development where children develop better in a fun environment with other children of their age group and ethnic background. Values and morals such as sharing and team work through scaffolding are also reinforced in many of the lessons and the characters used are role models for students since they display these positive values.

Alphabet and phonics are presented with large and colourful characters that students can identify with, for example A as in Agouti. Sounds, Vowels and Word Building are presented in a world of song and dance with soca and reggae beats that students are familiar with and love. JJ and Friends Phonics...Fast Forward fosters for multiple and distributed intelligences as Howard Gardner explained.

JJ and Friends Phonics...Fast Forward takes into account the constructivist approach. They solve problems and operate in a real world setting  as Dewey explained for success to be achieved. The activities incorporate a combination of instructional games, simulation activities as well as problem solving skills to allow students to explore and  gain a better understanding of the themes taught. As a result, students learn and remember key concepts effectively.


What also makes JJ and Friends Phonics... Fast Forward unique is the fact that there also exists a local television series with the same theme. The awareness of students is reinforced with the fact that characters become consistent in being positive role models for them. There is also an active Fan Club which further incorporates students' reading awareness and participation. 

It is beyond the doubt that  JJ and Friends Phonics... Fast Forward is a success as indicated by the many volunteered testimonies posted on the website it is truly an entertaining, attractive and relevant Educational Software that is presented in the sumptuous flavour of Caribbean Culture. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Communication Skills is a key fundamental aspect of improving and maintaining proper and healthy relationships. To feel and have the bliss of a healthy overflow of emotions at the workplace, schools and even home, you need to improve and develop your communication more effectively and efficiently. What is more successful than to communicate visually in minutes?

SmartDraw 2010 ( is the ideal software package that fulfills this purpose by communicating visually. It is dynamic, innovative and educational. This program provides approximately seventy different types of diagrams and smart templates that allow the user to complete just about any design: Venn diagrams, organization charts, and software and website design, project charts, greetings card, mind maps, certificates, calendars, landscape plans and much more. Through simple commands users can get the job done!

Anyone seeking to lower costs, save time, reduce errors and produce professional results by automatic drawings would benefit from this program ( SmartDraw 2010 allows for exciting and effective presentations through it proficient diagrams. This remarkable program also reorganizes, edit, realign diagrams, add shapes and place them in just the right position with the appropriate connections ( You don’t have to be a professional designer or become frustrated again. It’s so amazing!

This educational program also provides in depth instructions, management techniques, how to do videos, keyboard shortcuts to build charts, as well as examples that can be edited and customized to make your own. Finally there is a forum which discusses everything you need to know about SmartDraw 2010, so the each individual can get the most out of the program.

SmartDraw 2010 can be used seamlessly in the classroom environment. In catering for students with multiple intelligences, SmartDraw can be used to create attractive media for the visually inclined. This approach encourages students to learn via video, powerpoint and audio enhancements which they are already familiar with in the form of cinema and television.

Most importantly, SmartDraw 2010 is easy to navigate and is tastefully designed: icons are clearly and precisely positioned. The layout is excellent even the inexperience can complete tasks with ease.